Any qualified resource that meets requirements of this document (the Rules) and, if applicable, Advertising Network Terms and Conditions that can be found at: (the Offer).
1. Connecting to the Advertising Network:
1.1. It is not allowed to connect the following resources to the Advertising network:
1.1.1. resources that don’t have content, are not viewable, except for the service and authorization web-pages;
1.1.2. resources, whose main purpose is to demonstrate advertisements;
1.1.3 resources encouraging users to click or view ads, or use other unfair methods of accumulating clicks;
1.1.4. websites or groups of websites that intensively link to each other (linkfarms);
1.1.5. groups of websites of the same owner that offer used the same goods, services, or similar information;
1.1.6. resources with offensive and/or pornographic content;
1.1.7. online casinos, domain parking, file sharing websites;
1.1.8. resources that contain materials in languages other than Russian and English;
1.1.9. resources non-compliant with applicable laws;
1.1.10. resources promoting inequality among people based on sex, race, nationality, religion, social status, and wealth;
1.1.11. resources with misleading content;
1.1.12. resources that contain potentially malicious software;
1.1.13. resources that contain completed homework, other keys and answers to educational materials for pupils and students; resources that may be deemed textbooks, teaching aids, other educational literature for teaching children basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, school diaries, school notebooks;
1.1.14. doorway resources that are web-pages, whose main purpose is to redirect users to the websites other than the web-page users intended to go to;
1.1.15. resources that copy or rewrite information from other resources, with low-quality automatic translation of content into another language, without creating original content.
1.2. The Administration reserves the right to reject any resource without giving any reason.
2. Requirement to the partner resources
2.1. Any fictitiously (unfairly) reproduced clicks and views created with strictly forbidden methods are not taken into account when determining partner’s remuneration. The Advertising Network partner undertakes:
2.1.1. Not to place above ads the phrases or images that artificially attract attention to ad blocks, such as pay attention / our sponsors / click the ad / support us / menu;
2.1.2. not to demonstrate advertisements or clicks, whether directly or indirectly (independently or by engaging third parties), manually and (or) with any possible software and hardware, including,but not limited to, any automatic ways of reproducing views and clicks (multiple clicks, software agents, etc.);
2.1.3. not to change hyperlinks included in the ads, not to otherwise change the user’s redirection from the ad, not to replace or otherwise prevent users from accessing the web-pages (resources) the ad hyperlinks refer to when user accesses (clicks) such ad;
2.1.4. not to delete, edit, add, place, overlay additional elements (including, but not limited to, interface elements), not to minimize ads, apply filters to them, not to change the order, design and other characteristics of the advertising on the installed advertising spaces.
3. Conditions for placing ad blocks
3.1. The following requirements must be met when placing ad blocks:
3.1.1. ad blocks of other advertising systems must differ from those of the Advertising Network;
3.1.2. it is prohibited to modify the web-page view mode for displaying ads as a priority;
3.1.3. it is prohibited to hide additional links, images and other elements in ad blocks (except when disabling them is available in the partner interface);
3.1.4. the advertising source code for ad placement of other advertising systems must not interfere with the advertising source code (code for calling ad blocks) and must not affect the demonstrated ads in any way;
3.1.5. recursive calls of the source code of RTB ad blocks are prohibited;
3.1.6. if the ad block is on one screen, it should not reload more often than once in every 30 seconds;
3.2. When placing ad bloсks that overlap the web page content (overlay blocks), it’s necessary to comply with the following requirements:
3.2.1. it is prohibited to place overlay blocks on the desktop versions of the resources, if they overlap the content of the web-page;
3.2.2. the following conditions must be met when placing overlay blocks: it is allowed to place them only on devices with a screen width of 320 to 420 px; overlay blocks can only be placed if there is “Close Ads” or a similar button outside the ad creative area; the height of overlay blocks for mobile versions of resources should not exceed 30% of the device screen area (including “Close Ads” or similar button); the block can only be attached to the bottom of the screen; “Close Ads” or a similar button should be easily accessible and visually distinguishable from the content of the web-page.
3.2.3. It is forbidden to place any formats where an ad pops up in a separate window of the web-browser, for example, Pop-up or Pop-under.
3.2.4. It is allowed to place ads that move with the content after scrolling a part of the web-page, only if they do not overlap the web-page content.
3.2.5. Advertising should not dominate over the content of the web-page.
4. Other Provisions
4.1. If these conditions are violated, the Administration reserves the right to stop demonstrating ads on the partner resource and (or) to take other measures aimed to protect the interests of advertisers, whose ads are =shown on the resources of Advertising Network partners.
4.2. The Partner agrees and acknowledges that various technical means may be integrated into the advertising source code of the Administration to ensure proper fulfillment of obligations by the Administration to the customers of the Administration (including, but not limited to, various tools for targeting of advertising materials, for recording the number of views, clicks, and other parameters of demonstrating advertising materials on the advertising spaces). In this case the Partner agrees that the composition of the Administration’s advertising source code, as well as technical means integrated into it, is determined by the Administration at its own discretion.
4.3. The Partner agrees and acknowledges that in order to improve the efficiency of interaction between the Administration and the Partner, as well as to improve the functionality of the Advertising Network, the Administration has the right to regularly carry out experiments that can result in changes of the formats, frequency, design, display method and/or conditions of advertising on the Partner resources. During the experiments the Administration does not guarantee demonstration of advertisements on the Partner resources, or demonstration of advertisements in a certain format. Experimenting does not affect the settlement terms between the Administration and the Partner under the relevant Advertising Network agreement.
4.3.1. The Administration reserves the right to carry out experiments, as a result of which advertising on certain platforms may not be subject to pricing in terms of Services under the Agreement.
4.4. The Administration reserves the right to decline eject any Advertising Network application and/or to stop displaying ads on the partner resource without any reason.
4.5. The Partner agrees that the Administration has the right to refuse to place the respective resource in the Advertising Network, if the placement of such resource is already carried out by another person, with whom the Administration has signed an agreement.
4.6. The Partner undertakes to comply with these Advertising Network Rules. The Partner agrees that the Administration has the right to unilaterally make changes to these Rules.